Working With Tracy

'My passion is to support women's nervous system and mental/emotional well-being through the transitions that occur throughout our lives. I believe flowing with a women's cycle is a dance to be honoured and nurtured with tenderness and care'


Nervous System Coaching for Corporate Wellness

At STM, we specialise in Nervous System Coaching designed to enhance the regulation and optimal functioning of your nervous system, fostering a profound sense of connection and alignment with your true self. Our sessions are tailored to clear and ground your energy, bringing you fully into the present moment, which is essential for peak performance and well-being in the corporate world...



Nervous System Sessions And Coaching

These sessions are perfect for bringing friends or groups together in a warm, supportive environment, allowing each participant to experience profound healing and connection. Tracy’s intuitive approach ensures that each person feels seen, heard, and supported, fostering a deeper bond among friends and team building for work groups...


Vagus Nerve Release

Somatic Healing For Stress and Trauma Session 1:1

Embark on a journey of healing and nurturing through the transformative Vagus Release therapy. With its innate capacity to benefit all body systems, this intuitive healing approach yields incredible results.Tracing the pathway of the vagus nerve, the treatment gently facilitates release, fostering a renewed sense of safety within the system...


Nervous System Coaching

Nervous System regulation 1:1

This nervous system coaching session is designed to support the regulation and optimal functioning of your nervous system, fostering a deep sense of connection and alignment with your true self. It clears and grounds your energy, bringing you fully into the present moment...

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"From the moment Tracy greeted me at her door I knew I was in for something special. When Tracy placed her hands on my belly I immediately felt at ease. Her words of wisdom and her insight is incredibly profound. I left feeling extremely relaxed and a little bit excited to see if I would feel any different. I sure did. The following morning I felt a little wobbly on my feet and a huge mental and emotional shift took place. I would highly recommend this gifted woman to any female regardless of age. I am feeling quite empowered after my experience and look forward to further treatments with this divine woman. Janelle Xx"

Beauty & Colonic Therapist

"Since getting my first period as a teen, they have been painful. I would have cramping so intense it would make me feel nauseous and for the first three days of my period I couldn’t go anywhere without a hot water bottle and a decent supply of painkillers. After just six weeks of steaming and esoteric womb care with Tracy, the cramping has reduced dramatically to the point where I no longer need painkillers and there are days when I have no pain at all!! When there is pain, it’s so mild and passes easily, and with a few more treatments I believe it will disappear completely. Thank you Tracy, from the bottom of my heart, for your exceptional skills in understanding female hormones and for your intuition, guidance and support in helping my body to heal. If you haven’t yet tried steaming, book a session with Tracy, it’s completely private and is such a grounding and nurturing thing to offer yourself in today’s busy world."

Maddy Westbrook
CEO @ The Noble Group

"So much gratitude and love for you and this journey of Feminine Embodiment Tracy!! Having this support as I embarked on embracing my full womanhood again has enabled me to be heart full and loving with myself in a way I never have been before. To be relieved of the ‘burden’ of menstruation and see it as an honour and a blessing is such a shift. I really see how this honouring leads us to live more in tune with our cycles and come to terms with and process better, all aspects of ourselves. Thank you doesn’t seem enough for laying down these essential foundations for me!! So much growth and wisdom. With gratitude and love"

Carey Semple

"Tracy is a 'woman of wisdom' who has many special tools to nurture and support all women through emotional challenges that have the potential to rob us of our spark and zing. Her guidance in many therapies assist us women to sit more comfortably with ourselves... and that is a special gift she unconditionally shares."

Suzie Burns

"This time last year, I had a full breakdown. My therapist called it an existential crisis. Benj was so worried that he sent me away with my best friend to a retreat in the Queensland wilderness. When I arrived, I was raging and utterly disconnected from myself. I had been in a severe coping mode, working non-stop after discovering a breast lump and dealing with our house flooding all in the same week. Instead of facing my fear, I buried it with work, leaving my feelings so deeply repressed that I became numb. Then, someone surprising helped me: a stranger, a healer named Tracy. During a nervous system session with her, she cracked me wide open, and my healing began as I sobbed on her table. The intuitive guidance that came through was phenomenal and so helpful. That session marked a profound turning point in my life, changing it forever. I wanted to share her with my Arise community so they could experience her enriching healing skills. I highly recommend Tracy for businesses and individuals who want to learn more about their nervous system and how to effectively deal with stress and crisis."

Zoe Marshell
Public Figure @arise @whatsthedeeper

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