Feminine Flow Session


Activating  shakti/apana is a cleansing, rejuvenating, and relaxing practice for the womb. The poses are recommended due to their stimulalating and restoring effects on hormonal balance. They help regulate the hormones and rejuvenate the reproductive organs, endocrine system, meridian lines and pelvis. They relax, soften and allow flow through the adominal area, ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus. The shakti-prana is activated and has space to open and rise.

Activating Shakti helps us to let go and release held tension, stagnate and blocked chi. This session activates the chi or energy to flow and move through. Allowing us to get in touch with parts of us that we have pushed down, locked away and for whatever reason haven’t allowed to have a voice, or be honoured.

Our womb holds onto so much unfelt energy that has been locked away due to trauma, lack of knowledge and limited awareness around the magic of what our womb holds. Fertility, Menopause, Pmt, lack of connection to our womanliness, sexual disconnection and hormonal imbalance, just to name a few, all stems from a lack of connection with our womb.

As a woman’s birth right we have this delicious well of energy in our wombs, the life force of creation.

Wouldn’t you love to be connected to that?

This sequence supports the sacred feminine and her flow of chi through the womb, heart, meridians, body and mind.

Primal sound, deep activating breathing and native mercian drum is introduced in these sessions. It’s so powerful, liberating and healing for us as women. Healing our wombs, hearts and reconnecting us to our true feminine connection. It is a natural progression from breath to sound and can’t be pushed. You are supported to gently let this flow as Shakti wakes up in you. A beautiful experience to say the least!

Initially, when we 1st start practicing (to some of us) it can feel scary, unusual, weird and even unsettling. As we align with the sound and breath, allowing its natural flow of movement, dropping judgments as they arise, we begin to relax into the sacred sound of Shakti. Essentially in this flow of sound and movement together you can easily access ecstatic levels of bliss, joy, and even orgasmic Kundalini energy. This is great training for prenatal women preparing for labour and birth!

Once you get the monkey mind, its judgments and criticism out of the way, trusting in the alchemy of your unique sacred temples wisdom, your beautiful feminine body and the support of Mother Earth, quiet simply… magic happens!

With permission and unconditional love we allow Shakti to release her sacred sounds, just as she wishes. A liberating free flow of energy unfolds, opening to let all emotions flow in any of her forms!

Working with the breath, we inhale deeply through the nostrils, breathing from the womb to the heart and on the exhale, sounding all the way out, emptying the lungs completely. Connecting with what-so-ever is arising and letting that sensation, emotion, feeling have a voice in any way she feels!

This is the start of your journey to hearing the whispers of shakti, a journey you will never forget!

‘I honour the space within in me, to flow, to grow and express the wildness of shakti. This is my greatest gift of being a divine woman’ – tracy whitton


These sessions are for women:

  • wanting to balance the mother gland(pituitary), which nourishes most of the other glands. Help activate and nourish your reproductive organs.
  • wanting regulation of the woman’s natural menstrual cycle.
  • pregnant women wanting to connect with the natural flow of the pelvic bowl, womb and baby. Nourishing the womb, body and baby through gentle movement and deeply restorative postures.
  • wanting to unite with your breath and sound, guiding you where you need to go
  • wanting to re-connect to the peace and stillness within.
  • with irregular & difficult menstruation
  • with Amenorrhea ( cessation of menses)
  • with excessive blood flow and clots
  • Pmd, Pmt & Anxiety or insomnia
  • Infertility or irregular ovulation
  • Menopause
  • Peri-menopausal symptoms
  • that have had Miscarriage/s
  • Breast, ovarian or uterine cancer
  • wanting to reclaim their womb health
  • wanting to regulate menstrual cycle

Dates: We meet monthly

Time: 7pm - 8.30ish (Thursday) 

Venue:2/12 Classic Way, Burleigh.

Teacher: Tracy 

Your Investment: $49 includes, energy medicine ( aromatherapy, energy healing & drumming ), organic feminine movement practice, STM restorative poses for integration and supper.

Bookings essentials.

Enquire: email [email protected] or call 0413940532



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